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How Will Memorial Jewelry Help To Move Forward?

How Will Memorial Jewelry Help To Move Forward?
We are always in awe of the unique stories we hear and share from those who purchase memorial jewelry. We are always glad to see how memorial jewelry can have a positive impact on those who are taking their journey with them through grief.

In many ways, filling ashes into memorial jewelry makes it more real. The process requires ashes, which often fall out of sight of the lost loved one and take on a new form of making them an active participant in their lives. It gets people talking about something positive and helps the person who has lost a loved one feel less alone.

Interestingly, in a research survey, 87% of clients reported that memorial jewelry was beneficial to their grieving process.

Memorial jewelry helps move forward through the grief of losing a loved one.

We recognize that memorial jewelry is not for everyone, however, we can't help but notice the meaning and impact of memorial jewelry have on our clients and how it helps them through their grief journey.

A piece of memorial jewelry touches, accompanies, and listens, and its presence influences the growth and development of the living. For many people, it also serves as a daily reminder that the endless love of their loved one is still present.

Therefore, if you are considering celebrating your loved one or pet with a piece of memorial jewelry, it may be helpful to understand how this piece of memorial jewelry impacts others on their journey through the painful grief of losing someone so close to them.

Meaningful Symbols Used In Mourning Jewellery

Meaningful Symbols Used In Mourning Jewellery
Although cremation jewellery has evolved in appearance and materials, the symbols used are still rooted in tradition. Here are some of the most common symbols used in memory of a loved one.

Heart - love
Circle - eternity and unity
Angel - protection, devotion and faith
Sun and Moon - duality. In Western tradition, the moon symbolises the feminine, while the sun is the masculine.
Tree - the tree of life and the interconnectedness of living things
The butterfly - change and rebirth
The elephant - strength, patience and wisdom
The fish - resilience in adversity
Ankh - eternal life

Cremation jewellery can be a romantic way of remembering a loved one, adding symbols of ancient origin can represent the longevity of your relationship and affection. Over the past 20 years, as cremation rates have risen, so has the demand for cremation jewellery. Many people find that cremation jewellery is a wonderful way to remember a loved one who has passed away, or as a way to deal with grief by keeping them closer.

Helping Children Overcome Grief

Helping Children Overcome Grief

Children are very sensitive. They can feel the feelingsof the adults around them, such stressed, sad or keeping secrets .

Children should be informed for the death of a loved one. Death should be dealt with openly and honestly. Remember that children can providing solutions for adults that it is difficult for them to understand why their loved one cannot recover again. Explaining the process of dying, perhaps with the help of the right books, is a healthier approach than denying tragedy.

Although inherently resilient, children should not be assumed to be unaffected by death. They may be angry, fearful, sad, confused, guilty... Those are inevitable condition.

Therefore, as a child's guardian, care should be taken to avoid referring to death as "just like sleeping" or "going to sleep", as this can make young children fear going to bed at night. They may believe they will not wake up again in the morning. Euphemisms such as these can ultimately do more harm than good.

Involve older children in decisions about the death of a close friend or relative. They may want a special tribute and should not be overlooked when giving items. Maintaining a familiar routine, especially with younger children, may help, but care should be taken not to push children into situations until they are ready. Allow older children plenty of time to grieve and avoid sending them back to school too early.

In addition, care should be taken to express emotions. Children should be encouraged to talk about their feelings. Older children may find internet support groups, but online activity should be carefully monitored during this vulnerable time. If those closest to them are unable to provide support due to their own grief, the child should be comforted by a close adult friend, perhaps a favourite aunt or uncle.

It is important to ensure that children understand that although this is a difficult time to deal with and the loss will always be with them, the grief will pass.

Click here to find replacement to help children get out of grief.